Sketchbook I (Aug-Nov 2018)
For over three months, I carried around this increasingly weathered Moleskine in the pockets of my backpack - spilling waterproof green ink all over and almost losing it on multiple occasions. During my stay in Portland Oregon, this sketchbook formed the backbone of my journey, being the first thing at hand to quickly write and draw all kinds of interesting events, memorable quotes and crucial route descripitions. My residence in Portland only lasted sixteen weeks, but the habit of always carrying around a sketchbook and drawing anything around me when I get the chance, has stayed with me ever since.
The gallery below contains some of the first fifty spreads in this sketchbook. All the materials used were bought locally (in an art store called “Blick”) - which explains why I was using a very limited color palette during the first few weeks. After a while, I picked up the habit of buying two new Tombow Brush Markers every time I visited the shop, expanding my set of tools. These markers proved to be very durable, and I’m still using some of them to this day.