"The ground in and around Centralia has warmed so much, it’s impossible to stand on without melting. Those who survive long enough will be confronted with carnivorous birds, collapsing buildings, and the trigger-happy Simia Nasalis, armed with bazookas and stilts. Against their better judgement, a group of adventurers set out to discover the treasure of gold hidden away at the heart of the abandoned town."
Centralia was originally published in dutch by Scratch Books, and has since been brought to France by Éditions Albin Michel and finally the US by Living The Line.
Centralia was a 2024 MoCCAArtsFest Award of Excellence Recipient, and winner of the Gulden Wullok and Debutanten Award.
All the pages were drawn with indian ink on 36*28cm Steinbach paper. The originals are for sale through GalerieBD in Brussels exclusively.